
How To Change Font Of An Excel Click Button

Increase Font Size Of Command Button Proper noun

I accept a command push button that is labelled "generate drawing" but the font of the text is as well small. How do I increment the font size. Information technology is a command button from the controls toolbar. any help would exist greatly apprecaited.

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I'thousand having a problem in a workbook with several ActiveX command buttons. I had been using the form control buttons to run macros, simply the dominate wanted each push button to have it'due south own, different color. Then I removed the class control buttons and created new ActiveX command buttons. I got into the button backdrop and ready the background colors. I added the _Click lawmaking to run the macros when the user clicked the buttons.

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I was wondering if information technology is possible to alter the color of a command push button afterward it'south been clicked?

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The code works, but information technology really slows my worksheet down when opening. Is there better way to write this? Cheers!


              Dim myRange As Range Dim prison cell Equally Range Set myRange = Range("V6:V50000")     For Each jail cell In myRange     If cell.Value < 2 And then prison cell.Font.ColorIndex = 5     If jail cell.Value < 1 Then cell.Font.ColorIndex = 3     Next            

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I can summate the formula for this , but the problem comes where for eg in that location is a loss in January 2008 for -95415 and there was a turn a profit in Jan 2007 for 80215. How do I fix upwards formula to have negatives & positives into business relationship in calculating the increment or decrease/

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I run a small business concern. I want to start keeping track of inventory using a barcode organization.

I know Excel "ok", but I don't know programming.'

I'd like to be able to do something very simple (for now)...

For example...if I had Product / CODE / INV VALUE

A - Lawmaking A - five
B - Code B - 11
C - CODE C - 14

I would want to be able to click a push button (or scan a code for) : Add together +ane or REMOVE -1

...then scan the barcode on the production (A) and have information technology add or remove one, respectively. So, if the row for A is:

A - Lawmaking A - 5

I choose "Add together" (with a push button or scan code), then scan the barcode, and the spreadsheet automatically finds the code in the sheet, and changes the corresponding inventory value:

A - Code A - 6

Does that make sense? How might I go about doing that?

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I have searched and read all the help files. I find the properties of
an object, I run across how I tin "lock", "size and movement with cells" or "not
move with cells". No matter what I select, the object moves off the
screen, when the user, scrolls to the right of the spreadsheet.

Is there a way to lock the position, allow's say , in the upper right
corner and take it stay there?

This would be quite useful for an EXIT button, that I have created,
that will shut the program without saving (information technology's a read-simply file.)

Thank you to all the wonderful people here that take been so helpful and
give usa their valuable insight and time.


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I have a large database with names, addresses etc. When I attempt to make changes
to the email address, like change the font color or alter on letter of the alphabet, Excel
tries to email the address. If I click in the formula bar to brand the
changes, it automatically changes it back to all blueish text and underlined. I
have tried to format all of the cells as "Text" to show as entered, merely it
doesnt piece of work. Delight HELP

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I added a print push to my userform


Individual Sub btn1_Click() UserForm1.PrintForm End Sub            

This prints out the userform equally I would like, still it autoprints to the default printer and doesn't allow whatever printing options so I tin can't select to "print to one folio". And then as of at present it is only press out one-half my form and cutting off the rest.

Whatever suggestions?

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Imagine a whole box of lengths of aluminium sections for making windows.

To make those windows I need to cut these lengths into smaller sizes.

I demand to exercise this economically.

How tin I use Excel to help me make this a reality.

Firstly you would accept a big size out of it and so another size out of the offcut piece.

And so some other size out of the offcut left over.

I need to know how many total stock lengths (6500) long information technology will have to cut all the pieces listed above.

Is it possible?

Y'all need to have into business relationship the quantity of each size and fit it all in together for the near optimal consequence.

Run across fastened case of possible layout.

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In that location sure is...Hither's how:

From the Excel chief menu:
<information><group and outline><settings>
Uncheck: Summary rows below detail

Does that assist?

XL2002, WinXP

"JMSprout" wrote:

> When you highlight rows, go to Information, then Group or Outline, then Group, it
> creates a nice plus/minus expand/collapse box for that group, but when the
> group is expanded the button to collapse it is at the bottom row of the
> grouping. Is there a manner to become this button located at the top row of the group?

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Sorry for the question. Ordinarily I observe answers to my excel questions past going through the assist tab or by searching on Google. However, I don't fifty-fifty know what question to ask on this 1!?!

Basically I have created a spreadsheet with several columns, but I have one cavalcade that lists the shirt size (YS, YM, YL, AS, AM, AL, 40, 2X, 3X) of each person. Is there a formula that I tin create that volition tabulate the number of sizes (i.east. Equally=2, AM=7, etc.)?

In previous years I fabricated a column for each size, and simply placed a "1" in the correct column, and had excel merely add the ane's from each column. All the same, that takes more than time and space. I was hoping to streamline it this fourth dimension around.

Cheers for taking the fourth dimension to read this mail. Any help would exist appreciated! Cheers, doug

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Hi All,

I got the below macro which uses IE and open the URLs. I want to create a userform with listbox with radio button and commandbutton on the same which will help me to connect to each url when I select the same in listbox and click on the commandbutton.

Sub DoBrowse1()     Dim ie As Object     Ready ie = CreateObject("Internetexplorer.Application")     ie.Visible = True     ie.Navigate "" End Sub            

Whatsoever suggestions..

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Hullo everyone!!!!

Here is my situation. I have been trying to larn macros merely have non made one yet. Need your help. Here at work, I have some incompentant computer workers who claim they KNOW MS sooo well and take certificates etc... *Cough Coughing* ya ok... LMAO

Nosotros have a "shared" work volume nosotros all work in. It's zip fancy, simply utilise it every bit a PO Book simply since it is shared some people continue to not save before they add in more work and then that they see a "refreshed" re-create of the workbook before they beginning writing in cells that already comprise information.

How to I create a macro button at the top of the page that is literally a SAVE push.. instead of them saving by going to File - Relieve or cntrl+s ??? I only thought that Perhaps having a large push button in their confront will remind them.

Secondly as back up I was wondering if you can create a macro to do a refresh of everyones screens automatically - say every 2 or five mins??? I don't mean a relieve... but a refresh and then the screen actually updates in front of y'all. (although I volition continue this little piece of magic out of their knowledge so they don't rely on it, just though it would be a secondary back up to helping eliminate these mishaps cause we are loosing alot of data by people saving overtop of other peoples work and non caring.)

Thanks and then much!!!!! Muchly appriciated.

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Good afternoon!

I'g working with Excel 2003 sp 3 on Windows xp.

I accept been banging my head trying to jar loose the formula to summate man days where 1 equals 8 hours. I accept one that was given to me by a coworker:


That calculates human being days from total hours. I demand a formula that will total homo days and return the man mean solar day answer. Example:

weekending 12/25 = 16.2 which is 16 man days and 2 hours
weekending 1/1 = 24.7 which is 24 man days and seven hours

Total = 41 man days and i 60 minutes

I take also been asked if in that location was a way for a number to be entered into a spreadsheet and automatically put in society without a macro or "pushing a button".

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Happy New Year!

~ Brenda ~

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I accept a excel spreedsheet that contain external information. I would like to put a
button in the excel sheet to update the canvass without doing right click and
My user here are very dummies.

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Could you lot guide me delight....

I need to insert v blank rows repeatedly between every existing data rows
for approximately 300 rows.

If I go about doing the repeat short-cut "Control+Y", it but repeats
inserting ONE row but between the consecutive information row.

Is at that place some control, which helps me highlight all the rows & allows me to
insert 5 blank rows between every consecutive existing data row?

Thanks in advance for your kind advice.

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either after you lot've hit F9 or when automatically calculating upon opening?

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When using the copy and paste part it is extremely slow to paste the
issue. Also the file size seems to be increasing to a much larger size for
no reason.
Any feedback would exist appreciated.

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How To Change Font Of An Excel Click Button,


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