
How To Make A Wallet Out Of Fabric With Front Change Purse

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Leather and material wallets are deceivingly simple to brand with the right materials and techniques. The bang-up part about creating your own wallet is that you can add enough pockets and pouches for all of your money and cards. Plus you can cull colors and materials that suit your personal taste. Stitching together an elegant leather wallet isn't likewise hard as long as you lot have the right cutting and punching tools along with a needle, thread, and basic hand-sewing abilities. Or y'all tin can make a softer canvas wallet past manus-sewing or motorcar-sewing it together.

  1. 1

    Cut out a paper pattern for your wallet. Search online and in leatherworking books for your favorite wallet pattern, and so print information technology out to scale.[1] Or devise your own elementary design with a few unproblematic rectangles, fatigued out in pencil on cardstock or kraft paper. Label each piece so cut them out of cardstock or craft newspaper.

    • If you're creating your own pattern, the main wallet body slice should be roughly eleven in (28 cm) long past 7.5 in (19 cm) wide.
    • This main piece will besides accept 2 snap tabs for closures. Each tab will be a square measuring 2 in (five.ane cm) on all sides. Draw these squares on the left side of the wallet body piece, about 0.v in (i.3 cm) from the top and bottom with well-nigh two.5 in (6.four cm) of space in between them.
    • Each carte du jour pocket slice should measure nigh 4 in (x cm) long by two in (5.1 cm) broad. Make between 1 and 3 carte pockets for the right side of your wallet.
    • If yous're adding a change pocket, make this pattern piece about 3 in (7.6 cm) by 3 in (7.6 cm).
  2. two

    Trace the blueprint pieces onto the leather. Place 1 pattern piece onto the leather and trace around the exterior of it with chalk or a colored pencil. And so movement on to trace the rest of the design pieces, 1 at a time.[ii]

    • A supple piece of vegetable-tanned cowhide leather would be suitable for this project, although other animate being leathers would too work.
    • Social club a small piece, no more than 1 to 2 ft (0.thirty to 0.61 chiliad) long, from an online retailer, a local textile store that carries leather, or a specialty leather retailer.
    • Leather thickness is measured in ounces. Choose a leather weight betwixt 3 to vi oz (85 to 170 1000) for your wallet. A lower weight will result in a slimmer and less bulky wallet.
    • Experience free to utilise the same slice of leather for the entire wallet or switch it up with dissimilar leathers for the pockets.


  3. three

    Cut the leather pieces out using a rotary bract. Place your leather on a cutting surface, with the marked lines facing up. For the cleanest cutting lines, place a metal ruler confronting one of the pattern line you but traced. Printing a sharp rotary bract into the leather and draw information technology along the side of the ruler. Cutting along each line until all of the pattern pieces are free.[3]

    • Move the blade slowly and exist very careful non to slip.
    • Keep in heed that this cutting edge will be the finished edge of the wallet. Trim off any nicks forth the cut border earlier moving ahead.
    • If you lot don't have a rotary blade, endeavour a sharp utility knife instead.
    • Either a cocky-healing cut mat or a kitchen cutting board would be suitable surfaces to identify the leather on earlier cutting it.
  4. iv

    Tape or pin the pockets in position on the wallet body. Lay the card pockets on acme of one another so that the top 0.v in (ane.iii cm) of each pocket remains visible. Center this stack of pockets on the upper right quadrant of the wallet trunk. Place the 3 in (7.6 cm) square change pocket in the center of the upper left quadrant of the wallet body. Use masking tape or sharp metallic push pins to agree the pockets in place.[4]

    • If you lot're using pins, place 1 in each corner of the pockets. Notation that this volition puncture the leather so make sure that you have the layout right.
    • If you prefer to have more carte du jour pockets, just cut out a few more of these pieces instead of cutting out a alter pocket. Stack them together and center them on the upper left quadrant of the wallet where the change pocket would otherwise go.
  5. 5

    Punch holes around the outside edge of each pocket and into the wallet body. Use either an awl, rotary punch, or a abrupt metallic push button pivot to dial holes through the pockets and down into the wallet body. The holes in the wallet trunk should be located directly beneath the holes in both sets of pockets. Keep until y'all've added holes to the bottom and sides of each pocket.[v]

    • These holes volition be where your needle passes through when yous're sewing the wallet together.
    • Don't dial holes along the superlative of the pockets. You also don't need to add holes along the outside edge of the wallet body during this step.
    • Make sure you lot don't nudge the position of the taped or pinned-down pockets. You want to keep the holes in alignment beyond all the layers of leather.
    • Place a slice of thick leather hide below your wallet if you're using a rotary punch. Doing so makes it easier to dial holes in the leather.
  6. 6

    Stitch the pockets to the wallet body with a needle and waxed thread. Thread a hand-sewing needle with waxed thread and knot the terminate. Utilise a basic directly sew together to hand sew each pocket to the body of the wallet, forth the bottom and sides of each pocket. Stop it off with another knot when you're done. Then remove the tape or pins.[half-dozen]

    • If desired, utilize a lighter to carefully burn the knot, melting the wax together for a more permanent concur.
    • Start from the inside of the wallet (the side with the pockets) to hide the knot.
    • Create the direct sew by passing the thread in and out of the holes created with your rotary punch. Make sure the pocket holes are lined up with the holes in the wallet body as yous do this.
    • For added strength, complete ii rows of stitching instead of just 1.
  7. 7

    Mark the position of your snap closure. To determine where to position each part of the snap closure, fold upward your wallet to shut it. Pinch the two square snap tabs together and fold them over the edge of the wallet. Press a push pin through the heart of the tabs until it punctures the wallet body in the correct spot.[7]

    • To fold your wallet, offset fold in half lengthwise (so that the bottom half of the wallet body is folded upwards behind the elevation half containing the pockets). The 2 snap tabs should line up.
    • And then shut the wallet by folding information technology in half crosswise, touching the 2 sets of pockets together.
  8. 8

    Set each piece of the snap closure into the snap tabs and wallet body. You lot'll exist using a metal set-in snap which consists of 4 parts: a front and back for the "female person" half and a front end and back for the "male" one-half of the snap. Use a metallic cup and anvil to attach the components to the leather.[8]

    • The snap cap will go on the of the bottom snap tab. The snap stud will keep the top snap tab.
    • The cap and stud exist attached, with the leather of both snap tabs sandwiched in between them. These pieces create the "male" office of the snap.
    • The socket will go on the lower-right side of the wallet body, and the open up prong will get on the other side of the leather, directly backside the socket. Together these pieces create the "female person" part of the snap.
    • You can purchase a kit for metal prepare-in snaps online. Make sure it comes with a metal cup and anvil that friction match the size of the snaps you're using.
  9. 9

    Punch holes forth the bottom and sides of the wallet body. One time the set up-in snaps are complete, fold the wallet dorsum up lengthwise and pin or record information technology in place. Then apply your rotary dial, awl, or metal push pin to punch stitch holes along the bottom and both sides of the wallet body. The holes should get through both layers of leather.[9]

    • Don't punch holes along the meridian of the wallet. Past keeping this open up you'll have a wide pocket for newspaper bills.
  10. 10

    Run up the wallet trunk together through the holes. Utilise a bones direct stitch to sew the wallet body in one-half. Pass the needle and a waxed, knotted length of thread in and out of each hole until the wallet is completely stitched together.

    • Start from the inside of the wallet, with the pockets facing up, to hibernate the knot. Fire the knot to melt the wax if you want a more than durable knot.
    • Stitch around 2 times for additional forcefulness.
    • If desired you could use sinew instead of thread to stitch along the outside of your wallet.


  1. 1

    Draw the wallet pattern pieces on paper and cut each piece out. You'll have a total of iv rectangular design pieces. Depict 2 rectangles measuring 9.25 in (23.5 cm) long past 4 in (10 cm) alpine. Characterization these pieces #one and #2. Then draw a rectangle measuring 9.25 in (23.5 cm) long by 2.75 in (vii.0 cm) tall. Label this slice #iii. Finally, draw another rectangle measuring 9.25 in (23.5 cm) long by 3.75 in (9.5 cm) alpine. Label this piece #4.[ten]

    • Use a ruler and pencil to measure out and draw these design pieces onto cardstock or kraft paper.
  2. 2

    Select ane or 2 wallet cloth(south). A durable material like canvas or cotton duck would be all-time for this project. You can use a single color for the whole wallet, or two solid colors to create a contrasting pocket. Alternatively, try using 1 solid color fabric with 1 patterned fabric for contrast.[11]

    • If you lot purchase 0.25 yd (0.23 m) of each fabric, you lot'll take more than plenty to brand one or more wallets. But smaller textile remnants would be fine to use likewise.
    • Note that lightweight cotton wool quilting fabrics won't make a very durable wallet.
  3. iii

    Trace the blueprint pieces onto the textile and cut them out. Utilise sewing pins to secure the newspaper pattern pieces to the wrong side of your textile(s). Then take a pencil and trace around the outside edges of each blueprint piece. One time they're traced, utilise your pencil to label them by pattern number. Cut each piece out with fabric shears.[12]

    • If you're using two types of fabric, pieces #ane, #ii, and #three should exist traced and cutting out of your main fabric.
    • Utilise your contrasting fabric for piece #four.
  4. 4

    Whip-sew together or zigzag-sew together around the edges of pieces #3 and #4. This will finish off all 4 raw edges of these pieces. If yous're hand-sewing your wallet, utilise a needle and thread to whip-stitch around all iv edges. If you're sewing information technology on the machine, run a zigzag stitch effectually all 4 edges.[13]

    • Don't sew the pieces together at this stage.
    • The principal function of these stitches is to forbid the edges from fraying.
  5. v

    Hem the elevation of pieces #3 and #iv. Fold over the meridian edges of piece #3 and #4 by 0.five in (1.3 cm). Turn the raw edge over to the wrong side of the fabric. Use an iron to create a crease along your fold line. Then use a machine or hand-sewing needle and thread to add ane or ii rows of directly stitches along the hem.[14]

    • Hem each piece separately; don't connect them together.
    • If you're doing two rows of stitching, place the first row 0.5 in (one.3 cm) away from the fold, and the 2d row 0.125 in (0.32 cm) away from the fold.
  6. 6

    Align the sides and bottom edges of pieces #3 and #4 and pin in place. These will function as the inside pocket pieces. With the right sides facing upwards, sandwich these rectangles together. Lay the smaller piece (#iii) on top of the larger piece (#iv) and line up the bottom edges and sides. Pivot these pieces together with straight pins.[15]

    • The hemmed top edges should be offset.
  7. 7

    Draw a vertical line forth the center of piece #3. Use a ruler to determine the centre point of the wallet. Information technology should be roughly 4.75 in (12.ane cm) away from both sides. Create a vertical line along this halfway point, using a ruler and pencil or chalk. Then identify pins along this line to concord the fabric together.[xvi]

    • The line should exist perpendicular to the bottom edge.
    • Extend the line from the lesser to the top of piece #3.
    • Don't extend the line over the exposed portion of piece #iv, since this will serve as a pocket for your paper bills.
  8. 8

    Sew a basic straight stitch along this line, connecting pocket pieces #3 and #4. Utilize a mitt-sewing needle and thread or a sewing machine to run a straight stitch forth the line you just marked.[17]

    • Only sew up to the top border of piece #three. Don't sew over the exposed portion of #4.
    • This creates the billfold and credit card sections of your wallet.
  9. 9

    Pin the pocket pieces in between pieces #1 and #2. Place piece #1 beneath #4 and #ii on top of the other 3 pieces. Line up the pieces so that the bottom and sides of all 4 pieces meet. Pin the layers of textile together, placing pins along the lesser, top, and correct side only.[xviii]

    • Don't pin the left side of the cloth at this stage.
  10. 10

    Sew the wallet together along the bottom, top, and right sides. Use a needle and thread or a sewing machine to run a straight stitch along most of the wallet's perimeter, with a seam allowance of 0.125 in (0.32 cm). Go out the wallet open at the left side.[19]

    • Make sure that all iv layers are sewn together deeply.
    • Once sewn, you can clip away the excess fabric at all four corners of the wallet to reduce some of the bulk.
  11. 11

    Turn the wallet right-side out. Push the fabric through the opening at the left side to invert it. Arrange it so that the correct side of the fabric is visible with the incorrect side turned to the within.[20]

    • Pocket pieces #3 and #4 should now be visible, and your edge stitches and seam allowance should now be hidden.
  12. 12

    Fold in, press, and pin the raw border of the wallet. Turn the raw, open edge over by most 0.125 in (0.32 cm). Conform the raw edges and then that they're inside the wallet and you have bully fold lines visible on the outside. Use an iron to printing the fold lines in place and so pivot the front end and back sides together.[21]

  13. thirteen

    End the wallet by stitching the folded edges closed. Use a hand-sewing needle and thread or a sewing machine to close upwardly the open side of the wallet. Run your row of straight stitches 0.125 in (0.32 cm) away from the folded edge.[22]

    • Give your wallet a final press with the atomic number 26, calculation a crease forth the center line.


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  • Question

    Is at that place a mode to make ane without sewing?

    Community Answer

    Certain. Utilise sewing record, iron on instant-sew, or hot glue on the seams instead.

  • Question

    Which gum must I use?

    Community Answer

    Fabric glue for purses, totes, and numberless should work for a wallet likewise.

  • Question

    How exercise I decorate my wallet?

    Community Answer

    You tin can add sequins, sparkles, or ribbon to your wallet! I advise using hot mucilage to adhere your decorations to your wallet.

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Things Y'all'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Cardstock or kraft paper
  • Masking record or metal button pins
  • 0.25 yd (0.23 thou) of leather
  • Metal ruler
  • Rotary blade or utility knife
  • Cut mat
  • Rotary dial, awl, or metal push button pivot
  • Waxed thread
  • Hand-sewing needle
  • Set-in snaps (with cap, stud, socket, and prong components)
  • Metallic loving cup and anvil for setting snaps
  • Condom mallet
  • Cardstock or craft newspaper
  • Pencil
  • Paper pair of scissors
  • Fabric shears
  • Straight pins
  • 0.25 yd (0.23 chiliad) of canvas
  • 0.25 yd (0.23 1000) of sheet in a contrasting color or pattern
  • Cotton thread
  • Ruler
  • Chalk
  • Hand-sewing needle or sewing machine
  • Iron
  • Ironing board

Nearly This Article

Commodity Summary 10

To brand your own leather wallet, start past cut out a paper wallet pattern and tracing information technology onto a piece of leather. Then, utilise a rotary blade to cutting out the leather pieces, and tape or pin the wallet pockets and body together. Dial holes along the sides and bottoms of the pockets, then hand sew them to the wallet body using a needle and waxed thread. In one case you've sewed on the pockets, utilize a metal cup and anvil to attach a snap closure to the wallet tabs and trunk. Finish your wallet by punching holes along the sides and bottom of the body and sewing through the holes to run up everything together. To acquire how to make your own canvas wallet, ringlet downwards!

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